
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saving the World - Ryan House Run

I am exhausted.  This morning, I got up at 5:00, of my own volition, to head up to north north Scottsdale (not a typo - it was norther than north) to participate in the Ryan House Run.  This 10K (also a half marathon, 5K, and a fun run/walk) offers pediatric palliative care to children in Arizona.
I once again ran with my friends and co-workers Veronica and Christie, but I was also able to reconnect with a friend from high school as well as run into another friend of mine from college.  What a wonderful experience it was.
The benefit of being that far north of Phoenix proper (it wasn't really THAT far, but it felt like it) was that the route had gorgeous views.  The downside - HILLS.  Let me correct myself - some hills and then one HILL - a gigantic, long, never-ending hill of death.  I really had to keep reminding myself that I was doing this run, like the others, in order to reduce the suffering of others.  However, a side stitch did force me to walk for about 20 meters (not the end of the world, really, but I wasn't happy about it nonetheless).
Despite feeling like I was running through sand up that hill (did I mention it was long?) and the fact that I ended up walking a bit, I managed to finish the run in 58:06 (or 58:08 - I can't remember), 147th place overall.  I was SHOCKED that I finished more than 30 seconds faster than I did for London's Run, which was flat and didn't have hills (did I mention there was a hill?).
In the end, despite the hills, I am glad to have participated in a run that helped so many families.  They are the reason that I run, and I must remember that before I think about wimping out.

We all managed to smile after we were done...
or maybe because we were done!

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