
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Knitting in Knovember - a Challenge to My Readers

November has begun, and even if I didn't have a calendar every which way I looked, my Facebook and Twitter feeds would have reminded me, as several of my friends and colleagues are beginning to list the things for which they are thankful.  Me?  I'm thankful that I have so many things for which I can (and should) give thanks; they are truly too many to list.
But too many people have scant little for which they can say "thank you," which leads me to today's post.  Here in Arizona it's just now starting to "cool down" to the mid-80's, and the meteorologists on the local media stations are nearly stroking out in their excitement to report that by the end of the week, we'll even get down to - dare I say it? - the 70's (insert swooning).  My vast collection of scarves, hats, blankets (including my beloved ASU snuggie), and sweatshirts totally gives away the fact that I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and spent a few years in the cold climes of Michigan, as none of them get the wear and tear they deserve.
This is something for which I put on that thankful list.  I can always find a blanket, a sweatshirt, or a thermostat to help me get warm (I am one of those perpetually cold people).  If I need socks, I have an entire drawer full of them.  I can always get myself warm.
But there are too many people who can't.  Even in Arizona, which does have cold weather and does have snow, there are too many people who must deal with the cold by trying to put a brave face and gutting it out instead of being able to snuggle up with something warm.
That's why I'm not knitting any presents for my loved ones this holiday season.  Instead, I'm knitting a blanket (ideally two, but I want to be realistic at the same time) to donate to someone who needs it more than my mom needs another scarf.  I have yarn, and I have needles.  In fact, I've been working on a blanket to donate for some time, but I always manage to find another project to put before it.  Now is the time for me to stop making myself leg warmers (which I can't really wear right now), HRH a hat (which she just won't wear period), or anyone to whom I'm related any more scarves (I'm pretty sure they all just breathed a collective sigh of relief).
My friend Alicia has decided to crochet and donate several hats, something she was inspired to do after Lily had her bone marrow biopsy a few weeks ago.  I love how she has taken on and embraced this project, combining her love of crocheting and her desire to do something good.
So here's my challenge to you: make something - anything - warm to donate to a good cause this winter.  A scarf, a hat, a blanket, a pair of mittens.  Anything that you can knit, crochet, sew, or tie that will help someone stay warm this winter will do.  Then, email me a picture of it by November 30.  I'll post the pictures during an early December post.
If you aren't so craftily inclined but still want to participate, consider making a donation to or holding a donation drive for One Warm Coat, an organization dedicated to making sure everyone has access to a coat to keep out the cold.  I'll be happy to post pictures of coats who are finding their way to a new forever home as well.
I can't wait to see what you all make!

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