
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twelve for 12: January Progress Report

It's really the end of the month already, which means starting tomorrow HRH is going to start getting pissed that she has to learn a new month at school.
It also means that I need to start actively looking at my Twelve for 12 List of Things to Do to make sure that I can cross them all off the list by December 31, a mere 335 days away (that includes the leap day).
So, let's see how things are going.

#1 - Run a half marathon (considering I already signed up, I felt that it was best to put this as Thing #1)
Yep, did that Saturday.  Blogged about it on Sunday.  Awesome experience, and amazingly, my finish time was one second slower than my friend Kat's first half marathon time.  We've agreed that it's clearly A Sign That We Must Run Together Someday.

#4 - Participate in at least one new run/race event
I've found a few races to add, including Girls on the Run (I had wanted to do this last year, but I wasn't able to) and the Hot Chocolate 15K/5K, which, as its name implies, has a hot, chocolate-y reward at the end of the race (perfect for its December date).  I also already participated in the first Twitter Road Race, and I plan to sign up for the Twitter Charity Run in April as well.

#7 - Start and finish at least 2 knitting projects (although in a post to be named later, I may carry one "start" from 2011 over)
I bought yarn today for the first of two blankets that must be finished ASAP.  I can't really say anymore than that, as it's still in the package in the bag.

#8 - Take HRH to one, new, exciting Thing each month
This month, we went to two new, exciting Things: Zoolights, which was also The Husband's first experience at Zoo After Dark; and Beauty and the Beast in 3D, to which she wore her Belle costume.  It was OK, although the only scene that really impressed me was the "Be Our Guest Scene" - everything else was so-so.  But the 6-minute Tangled Ever After (totally hilarious if you love Maximus and Pascal) and the promo for Finding Nemo in 3D (which looks like it will be outstanding!) made it worth it.  Also HRH taking from the entire experience the line "REALLY?" from the Madgascar 3 promo.  Super stoked about that addition to the vocabulary.  That being said, I'm looking forward to more new, exciting Things

Several of my Things to Do can't actually be crossed off until the end of the year, as they are ongoing (like taking HRH to all those exciting, new Things each month), and while I feel like I've tackled more that what I've listed above on the starting end, I don't have a lot more to report.  But it still feels good to take a look at the List of Things To Do and see at least one in the past.
  1. Run a half marathon (considering I already signed up, I felt that it was best to put this as Thing #1)
  2. Begin painting the house (interior)
  3. Continue collecting my china pattern
  4. Participate in at least one new run/race event
  5. Declutter the master bedroom (or at least start)
  6. Begin my masters
  7. Start and finish at least 2 knitting projects (although in a post to be named later, I may carry one "start" from 2011 over)
  8. Take HRH to one, new, exciting Thing each month
  9. Obtain a post-race massage (this is not indulgent; studies show they help runners recover)
  10. Read a book that is not intended for the 3-year-old crowd
  11. Donate blood 4 times
  12. Spend more high-quality less-TV time with The Husband
So... where are you in your New Year's resolutions, or goals, or objectives, or intentions, or "Oh, crap, I have got to get that done stat!"?

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