
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

When You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Eat Takeout

You'll notice that I have no menu plan this week again.  Part of the reason for that is because I forgot to renew our CSA membership, so we didn't have new veggies this week (we still have some from last week that we're going through).  Most of the reason is that I was just super lazy this weekend.  Coming off an amazing birthday dinner at The House at Secret Garden (hint - get the tender belly appetizer - you. will. die. totally 11/10), I basically just wanted to sit/lounge/lie on the couch all day Sunday, which is basically what I did.
So this week, we're flying by the seat of our pants.
That's not so bad.  Monday night I cooked up some penne and tossed it with the arugula pesto I had made earlier last week, and a bowl of pasta is always a good meal in my estimation.  It isn't gourmet by any means, but it filled me up, and I felt better about not having a vegetable on the side because of all the arugula it took to make the pesto.
Last night, however, well, I wasn't making anything.  I had thought, earlier in the day when I wasn't quite feeling the effects of a sleepless night (waking up multiple times and then being woken up by the princess another set of multiple times), that I might use the chard to make a quiche.
It's cute how I thought I'd have energy for anything.
So I texted The Husband: "Your choice. Quiche or pizza."
I'm not stupid, folks.
His choice: pizza.
My response: "Great. Can you stop at Papa Murphy's on your way home?"
And he did, and we had a late dinner that will also be my lunch and maybe part of my dinner, since The Husband has a late meeting that means I'll either have the leftover pizza and/or a Hugh Jass Salad, a'la Mama Pea.  I already have a fresh batch of her lime-tahini sauce in the fridge, waiting to be drizzled over some greenery.
As for the rest of the week.... meh.  Who knows.  I could still make that quiche, and I'm sure I can rustle up something, even if it's rice and lentils with an onion over it (actually one of our favorites, and while it takes a while to cook the lentils, it's all hands-off).
Actually, that sounds pretty tasty.
But so does Chinese takeout.

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