
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Workout Wednesday - June 20

My arms are killing me today.
At the end of the second week in the Hundred Pushups Challenge, participants are directed to do a second baseline "max out" set.
If you recall, when I started this project, I maxed out at 5 pushups.
Sunday, then, after a nice rest day, I maxed out at 16.
OK, so we've still got quite a ways to go until we get to 100, but by my math, 16 is more than five.
And more is more.  So there's that.
Thanks to my awesomeness of 16 in a row, the training plan made a big jump in Week 3.  As in from 33 total to 45.
That meant sets of 10-12-7-7-9.

This was the first attempt in which I only managed to do the minimum number of pushups in the last set.  I've been priding myself on being able to go at least 2 or 3 further, but it wasn't in the cards yesterday.  And it certainly wasn't in my muscles, either.
Today, I am quite sore, so I'll make sure that I am well rested for tomorrow, when I'm supposed to do 50.
Double Gulp.
One of the nice things about this app is that it offers me the ability to redo days or weeks.  If tomorrow is rough, I will probably repeat Week 3 next week in order to make sure that I can do proper, good-form pushups and not phone it in with sissy-pants, fake-y ones masquerading as the real thing.

But pushups aside, I'm starting to worry about my summer running schedule.  While I'm not officially officially training for the half marathon yet, I'm in pre-training training mode, and I want to go into that official training confident in my running strength.
But then there's this:

Ignore the 75° (especially because my other weather app is telling me that it's actually 80°).  Pay more attention to the three 111°s in a row there.  As well as the "lows" for the week.
Even at 4:30 AM, it's hot.  And the pavement?  Even hotter.  Yuck.
I know I can leave Zooey at home, but I shudder to think of what symphony would erupt at home if I left her at home to go for a solitary run after "our" alarm goes off.  I may have mentioned how loud a coonhound can be.  When she's distraught, she's louder.  When The Husband is woken from a dead sleep, she's probably louder still.
Plus, I am never opposed to creepers thinking my girl is a fierce, barking, frothing Doberman whose ears haven't been cropped instead of just an excitable coon dawg who wants to let you know how happy she is to be running.
So this weekend, once The Husband is done with his conference that's keeping him busy all this week, we need to have a family meeting about the possibility of a gym membership or the obtaining of a treadmill.  I hate don't love the treadmill, but it certainly can serve a purpose when times are tough hot.
That being said, if I deem that it will be cool enough Saturday morning, Zooey and I will be seeing this once again:

Yes, I'm hooked.

How do you deal with extreme weather conditions when you are trying to train/keep up your exercise routine?


  1. Considering that Minnesota is either oppressively humid or freezing, the basement is my coping mechanism. If you do look for a TMill - check Craigslist. That's where we got ours and it runs well. Just make sure whatever you buy is actually rated for high mileage/distance running!

    1. I wish we had a basement - something I miss about PNW/Midwest abodes.
      Good idea. I had been toying with the idea of Play it Again Sports, but Craigslist hooked my friend up with a great piano, so it's worth looking!
