
Friday, November 9, 2012

Twelve for Twelve - It's Been a While

I had thought by now that the "crazy" part of the school year would be behind me, but to be honest, it's just been a crazy, difficult semester, and I suspect that it will follow me into the spring term.  Not my most favorite prediction ever, but it is what it is.
Add to that picking up both soccer and swim for HRH, I am about a bazillion ideas and projects behind.
So it really shouldn't be much of a surprise that I have been feeling like I'm not getting anything done.  And I'm not just saying that because that basket of laundry has been sitting there for a week, taunting me.
Crossing items off a list, then, has to give a little satisfaction, right?
Let's get to it.

#3 - Continue collecting my china pattern
This one was pretty awesome, as my mother-in-law made more pieces my birthday present this year.  At this point, I have a complete set of a few pieces in the collection, and I have seven complete place settings (my goal is 16).  
My china pattern, I think I have mentioned before, was my paternal grandmother's, and it's been discontinued by Sango, so it's really something I have to collect from online distributors.  There are a few pieces I may never find, but it's fun looking.
What has been amazing is to see the different in the sizes of the plates when I bust out the china during various dinners.  Plates certainly HAVE gotten bigger in the last half-century.

#5 - Declutter the master bedroom (or at least start)
I've started!  A few weeks ago, I went nuts on our closet, reorganizing all my shoes and everything.  I still need to take our donation items to Goodwill, but we're headed in the right direction.  I can see the floor of the closet again.
Regardless, I'm claiming this as crossed off.

#7 - Start and finish at least 2 knitting projects
This bad boy is done.  I've actually gotten more than two projects finished this year, and I have another one on the needles right now.

  • I made a baby blanket for my principal, who had a little girl in January.
  • I made a baby blanket for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who welcomed my precious niece in July.
  • I made a baby blanket for my cousin and her husband; their little one (the third girl in my knitting streak!) arrived in August.
  • I moved on to hats next, and I knitted an R2D2 hat for my other brother-in-law.  And like and IDIOT I sent it without taking any pictures of it!  It was awesome, though.  When we visit them, I'll try to get a snap.
  • Then I started to make him another hat and realized that it was so big it would really only fit Andre the Giant, so that one has been un-knitted and is back on the drawing board.
  • I made a fun scarf for HRH and another for me.  TH thinks they look like sea cucumbers.  He's not getting a scarf of his own now.

I'd say I've hit this one out of the park.

The edging for my niece's blanket

The blanket was apple green, turquoise, white, and bright pink
to match her room.

My cousin's blanket - pink and cream

HRH's "sea cucumber" scarf (mine is blue)

#9 Obtain a post-race massage
OK, so it wasn't really a post-race massage, but I have been scheduling massages a little more regularly during training.  It has made a HUGE difference in my running.  I highly recommend the sports massage; I made the "mistake" of getting a Swedish massage for one appointment, thinking it would be relaxing, and it just didn't get into the muscles deeply enough.  
I tend to carry my stress in my shoulders, so massage has been helpful working out those knots, but I also had a huge knot in my hamstring that I hadn't realized was there, and since that got worked out, my legs have been must fresher much faster.
So this totally counts.

Sadly, I'm pretty sure the master's is going to be put off again, and as I have requested Lowe's gift cards as the only non-donation Christmas gift that I would want, painting the house will probably be a new year's project, too.  As for less TV time, that damn boob tube has quite the siren song for the hubs.  There is a race next month that I'm hoping to do - it even comes with chocolate!

  1. Run a half marathon (considering I already signed up, I felt that it was best to put this as Thing #1)
  2. Begin painting the house (interior)
  3. Continue collecting my china pattern
  4. Participate in at least one new run/race event
  5. Declutter the master bedroom (or at least start)
  6. Begin my masters
  7. Start and finish at least 2 knitting projects (although in a post to be named later, I may carry one "start" from 2011 over)
  8. Take HRH to one, new, exciting Thing each month
  9. Obtain a post-race massage (this is not indulgent; studies show they help runners recover)
  10. Read a book that is not intended for the 3-year-old crowd
  11. Donate blood 4 times
  12. Spend more high-quality less-TV time with The Husband
Ahhhh, that felt good.

Do you have any big accomplishments that you'd like to virtually cross off?


  1. I wanted to have a baby before the end of the year...CHECK!

  2. I'm thoroughly impressed with your checklist! The blankets are adorable and I know that's not an easy task. Speaking of easy tasks, let me know how cleaning your closet goes...I need help in mine!
    I would like to virtually cross off 1 year down in graduate school. That has taken up all of my time and I think crossing it off miiiiiight make it all feel worthwhile. :)

    1. Thanks, Mads - I have re-found my love of knitting this year.
      Cleaning the closet was the easy part. KEEPING it organized... yeah, um....
      I think crossing off a year of grad school works quite nicely. I still haven't gotten that far.
