
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stride Box - May 2013

This month, I received my inaugural package from Stride Box, one of the handful of companies recently popping up to send subscribers a variety of goodies each month.  I have a few friends who order Birch Box, which is the same concept but with makeup, but since I 1) rarely use makeup and 2) have gone all crunchy with my skin care routine, I knew that wasn't the route for me.  But Stride Box, created for runners, was right up my alley.
I signed up in April, but since that package was already sold out, I had to wait breathlessly until May.
The day that it arrived, HRH also received a sock monkey dressed as a chicken that plays "The Chicken Dance" from one set of grandparents.  Yes, they are in so much trouble.  No, they are not sorry.
But I'm pretty sure I got the better of the two packages anyway:

  • Perfect Fit organic/vegan vanilla protein powder (there were a few recipes as well, and I'm looking forward to trying the strawberry smoothie suggestion)
  • Jelly Belly Sport Beans (I've had these before; it's hard not to want to eat them like regular jelly beans)
  • Just Great Stuff fruit bar (organic, gluten-free, and vegan)  in superberry + acai
  • The Klitch footwear clip 
  • Bottle Bright bottle cleaner (especially helpful for the dang hard water we have in Arizona)
  • Vi Fuel vanilla endurance gel
  • Bonk Breaker peanut butter and jelly Bonk Bites Bar
  • Pro-Tec Athletics blister protectors
  • Honey Stinger cherry cola energy chews

I've already had the fruit bar; I confess I had it for a snack rather than before/after a run.  It was pretty tasty, although it wasn't as fruity as I had expected.  The cashews (the first ingredient on the list, which I read after I plowed through the bar itself) definitely played a role in the taste.  I haven't broken into the jelly beans, but I know that I like them, although they aren't the best snack to have when it's chilly out, so they should be perfect for those long runs during this summer, when it will be hot even before the sun comes up.
I'm looking forward to trying the Vi Fuel; if I like it, I'll be curious to try their peach cobbler flavor.  I usually like the fruit flavors better than the vanillas or chocolates, which feel a little heavier to me.  Fruit tends to taste a little more "refreshing" in some way.  
This weekend The Husband and I are going on a hike up north, so I'll definitely be taking several of these goodies, as well as the shoe clip, to get through the day.  I'm sure I'll need some "candy" after having to deal with the water that we'll encounter, which is not my favorite (it's what stands in the way of me ever considering the notion of doing a triathlon).
I think the benefit of Stride Box is helping me break out of my routine and try new things without having to invest in large boxes of somethings that I may end up not caring for.  I'll be making a note of everything that I find awesome and everything that I find "meh."
Of course, now I just can't wait until next month.

Do you subscribe to a monthly package?  What have you gotten?  Do you think it's worth it?  


  1. What, pray tell, is a shoe clip?!
    I used to subscribe to a monthly CSA box, but it got to be too expensive. Now we hit up farmers markets every weekend for the same local and organic produce that we know and love.

    1. It clips your shoes to a backpack, which is super duper awesome, IMO, for when I go hiking, etc. We stopped our CSA box, too, because husband is never home, and I'm often so tired I don't want to try to find something to do with the tons of arugula. But we love our farmers market, too!
