
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stride Box - July 2013

It feels like I just did a Stride Box post!
Oh, wait, I did.  As you can see, I'm actually sort of on the ball this month.
One of the best aspects of subscribing to Stride Box is that the company sends out an email when the package is shipped, so I know when it's on its way, so I get to wait anxiously for a few days, knowing I'm getting a present in the mail.
This month had a bit of a theme - over half the items were for hydration purposes, which, as Zooey and I had in our second 90-degree run in a row, is more than fitting.  I'm looking forward to trying these, even though I don't usually use sports drinks during my runs, usually opting instead for gels or gummies.

Inside the water bottle:

  • Gu Brew electrolyte tablet - I've had the Gu gels before and have struggled with them - too thick to "drink" but not really "chewable."  I like the fruit flavors, though, so I'm hoping that I like the drinkable stuff, too.
  • HDX hydration mix - I've not heard of this before, so we'll see how tasty it is.
  • Healthy to Go! acai energy drink mix - I have mixed feelings about acai; I know it's a "super fruit," but I have had some acai in smoothies that didn't taste all that great.  I've got higher hopes for this.
  • Nuun electrolyte drink tab - I follow a LOT of people on Twitter who love the Nuun Hydration drinks. This is my first chance to have it, so I'll finally see what the hype is about.
  • Vega Sport electrolyte hydrator - This one I admit that I have already tried, and while I'm sure some people find the lemon-lime flavor tasty, unfortunately, it tasted (to me) too much like that solution pregnant women have to drink when taking the blood glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  I had to take that test twice, so having that flavor hit my tongue again was unpleasant.  I don't fault the people over at Vega Sport; it's just one of those memories that makes the experience less than what it should be (honestly, just thinking about that solution and that test again engages my gag reflex).
  • Zym Catapult sport drink tablet - I am in intrigued with anything having to do with catapults.

The rest of the goods:
  • Bearded Brothers natural energy bar - hand-made, picture of two dudes with beards, vegan.  As the child of two former hippies, I'm pretty stoked for this bad boy.  Bonus - the wrapper can be composted!
  • Body Glove Surge gel - Like I said, I struggle with gels, but I am willing to try it.
  • PR*Bar apple pie nutrition bar - I'll be honest.  Some of the ingredients in the hydration mixes and gels concern me a little bit, so I need to do research before I become a customer that uses anything I can't pronounce.  However, this bar contains partially hydrogenated palm oil.  The term "partially hydrogenated" is code for "this has trans fat in it."  Hydrogenating oil makes an item more shelf stable, but trans fat is, as you probably know from following the news, a very dangerous saturated (artery-clogging) fat.  While I'm sure a bit may not lead to my ultimate demise, it makes me uncomfortable that a bar calling itself "natural" and "healthy" would even use this.  Additionally, I'm trying to cut palm oil out of my family's food supply completely because of the environmentally unfriendly harvesting methods that are leading to both deforestation and possible extinction of the orangutan.  This is a bar that I will be placing aside (along with any other item that has ingredients with which I disagree).
  • SpiderTech X Spider pre-cut kinesiology tape - I am intrigued by K-Tape, so when I feel the need in my legs, I'll allow this spider near me.
There you go.  Have you found any ingredients in your nutritional supplements to be lacking?  What do you look for when it comes to hydration?  Are there flavors you love (or love to hate)?  Cheers!

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