
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reverb 13 · Prompt 7 · Victory Laps

#Reverb13 is a prompt-a-day series for the month of December that is meant to give participants the chance to reflect on the past year and take the opportunity to write down some hopes for the coming year.

Prompt 7: What was your biggest accomplishment of 2013?

Looking back, this year doesn't have many moments of certificate-worthy accomplishments.  There were many more occasions after which an "I survived" sticker would have been more appropriate.

Including today, as I attempt to decorate the Christmas tree in true obsessive-compulsive style while HRH attempts to "help."

Serenity now.  Except change serenity to beer, and we're good.

But honestly?  My biggest accomplishment is (finally) applying for - and being accepted into - my masters degree.  Ever since we moved back to Arizona, after Husband earned his masters at Western Michigan, it's been "my turn" to go back to school.  I've wanted to; I'm one of those Hermione Granger-esque über students who just loooooooooooooves learning.  But then, things happened.

I got pregnant.
I had a baby.
I got laid off.
I started a new job.
I procrastinated.
And then, and then, and then.

No more.  While I had hoped to get in this fall, I did procrastinate just enough to miss the boat, so I'll be a Northern Arizona University Lumberjack (and I'm OK), studying English literature - online - starting in January, over a decade after I walked across the stage to accept my two bachelors degrees.

Better Late Than Never?  I suppose.  To me, it's more like It's About Damn Time.


  1. If GI Joe taught us anything, it's that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

    Also, YAY YOU!

    1. Wasn't that from an after school special? Which, of COURSE I watched because they had the word "school" in them.
